Christian faith is, by its very nature, practiced and lived out within the context of a community of people. It is in such a community that we mature and encourage each other in our walk with Christ. We practice the life of following in his footsteps as we love God and all our neighbors. Further, as a community, we share our joy, faith, and love as we serve our neighbors and show them the love of Jesus. It is in this spirit that St. Johnʼs Episcopal Church welcomes you and encourages you to commit to becoming a member of this community of faith. We ask that your commit to the Newcomers Journey as outlined below:

Meet With Our Rector

Fr. Ripp likes to meet with newcomers individually. This lets him get to know you on a more personal level than Sunday morning interactions allow. He is happy to take you to lunch or meet at the church. Contact Jenny in the church office or Fr. Ripp directly to schedule a time and place! Fr. Ripp responds quickest to text messages. Cell: (361) 633-9225, Office: (830) 625-2532

The Rev. Ripp Hardaway


Attend A Newcomers Dinner

Newcomers Dinners are hosted throughout the year by the Newcomers Welcome Ministry Team. These evenings are a time set aside for us to get to know one another and for you to ask questions about St. John’s in a casual atmosphere. Email Ray ( for details about the next dinner.

Attend St. John's 101

This is a required series of nine classes designed to help those new to the church become familiar with St. John’s Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Faith. This class is also needed to be Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed into the Episcopal Faith. If you are interested, we provide the book which you can pick up in class. For more information, contact Fr. Ripp Hardaway at (361) 633-9225, or email

Participate in New Member Liturgy

St. John’s invites all new members to participate in a New Member Liturgy. These are scheduled twice a year at the conclusion of the St. John’s 101 class. During this Liturgy, we encourage new members to come forward and publicly indicate that they wish to be a part of the St. John’s community of faith. The congregation will welcome all in the Liturgy and at the passing of The Peace.


(For new members who are not baptized)

Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the life, the family, the ministry, and the grace of Christ. It is how we formally become Christians. To receive the sacrament of Baptism, let Fr. Ripp or the church office know of a desire to be baptized or to have a child baptized. Furthermore, please indicate on your membership form if you are interested in confirmation and/or membership transfer.

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation are the mature and public affirmation of faith and readiness for adult Christian ministry in the church and the world. They are a sacrament of grace, strength, and renewal. St. Johns offers Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation to those who have been baptized. The Sacrament of Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation is generally held on one Sunday a year during the Bishop’s visit.


(For those coming from a different Episcopal Church)

To transfer membership from another Episcopal church, contact the previous congregation, or ask our church office to contact your former church, and ask that your “letter of membership” be sent to St. John’s. If the previous congregation is not Episcopal or does not keep a letter of membership, we will create one.

Fill Out a New Member Card

Parishioner contact information is essential for the church office. New members must complete and submit the form which provides information such as an address, email, phone, birthdays, and anniversaries.

When you're ready, complete and submit a Ministry Pledge Card and an Estimate of Giving Card. Completing these cards symbolizes a commitment of time, talent, and treasure to be offered to God through the church. The Ministry Catalog with information about our many ministries is available online, in the office, and in Newcomers packets.